Don't Suck at White Papers

May 18, 2023

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Don't Suck at White Papers

The Definitive White Paper 101

In today's world of information overload, white papers are a powerful tool to communicate complex industry information and insights in a concise and clear manner. A well-written white paper can help businesses establish themselves as thought leaders, boost brand awareness, and generate leads.

The built environment and technology industry is rife with jargon and buzzwords. White papers are an ideal strategic communications tactic to cut through the noise to reach your ideal clients by showcasing your company's unique expertise.

But how do you create a white paper that truly makes an impact and engages your audience? White papers can form a fundamental part of a public relations or media relations strategy by showcasing your company's unique perspective and innovation. At Bloxspring, we're pros at delivering innovative white papers that tackle the biggest topics in proptech.

Here's a step-by-step guide…

Step 1: Define Your Purpose and Target Audience

Before writing a white paper, defining your purpose and target is key. Ask yourself: what problem is my white paper attempting to solve? Who is my ideal reader? What sort of firms and clients do I want to reach? Answering these questions will give a clear and concise structure that resonates with your target audience.

Step 2: Research Your Topic Thoroughly

Once you have defined your purpose and target audience, it's time to research. Your white paper should be based on sound research and facts. Use credible sources such as academic papers, industry reports, and government statistics to support your arguments, and ensure these are referenced accurately.

Step 3: Hook Your Reader with a Strong Introduction

Your introduction should grab the reader's attention and clearly state the purpose of the white paper. A surprising statistic or a thought-provoking question can deliver a strong hook to engage your readers. It’s important to establish the relevance of your white paper and what your audience can expect to learn from the outset.

Step 4: Create a Sound Structure

A sound structure makes a white paper easy to comprehend, and should include an introduction, main body, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear purpose and flow logically into the next.

Step 5: Write Clearly and Concisely

White papers should be written in a clear and concise manner including the level of jargon or technical language appropriate to your user needs. Headings and subheadings can be useful to break up the text into scannable, easy-to-understand sections.

Step 6: Use Graphics and Visuals

Graphics and visuals can help convey complex information in a more digestible format. Using a variety of relevant charts, graphs, and tables can support your arguments and make your white paper more engaging. Whilst illustrations help improve the appearance of your white paper, they should also add to the overall meaning. 

Step 7: Design and Publish Your White Paper

The design of your white paper is just as important as the content. A professional design that embodies your brand identity and makes your white paper visually appealing is key. You can collaborate with a designer or do it yourself on design platforms such as Canva. Once your white paper is complete, it can be published on your website and promoted on social media and other channels. Gating your white paper can be a useful tool to promote lead generation and growth.

In conclusion, writing a white paper requires careful planning, research, and execution. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a white paper that adds value to your target audience and establishes you as a thought leader in your industry. Remember to keep your white paper clear, concise, and visually appealing, and to edit and proofread it thoroughly before publishing.

With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a successful white paper which gives your audience a unique insight, rather than simply adding to the noise.